Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pepsi: Throwback vs Natural!

A follow up to my post about wanting to find more Pepsi Throwback. Well I found some, I was driving home along I-5 a couple of weeks ago and when stopping for gas and food (it was fast food along I-5 not sure it was food but it was fast). The little store connected to the gas station had a lot of Pepsi Throwback. I bought five bottles and should have bought more but the lady who rang me up gave me a funny look with five. I managed to not drink all that caffeinated soda in one go but I was very tempted to do so. Then a few days later I found something new in the store, I found Pepsi Natural. Pepsi Natural comes only four glass bottles to a pack, the glass bottles are fancy, the packaging is slick it looks nice. The soda packaging claims that this is all natural stuff. No high fructose corn syrup, not even Co2 in the bottling - they use something "natural" to carbonate the liquid.

The Pepsi: Natural looks different in color, has a different smell and is not very bubbly. While it is not bad Pepsi: Natural no longer tastes like a soda I remember from when I was a kid. So while Pepsi: Throwback might not be "all natural" it has real sugar, has the right color and has the proper bubbles. I have to say I much prefer the formula used for Pepsi Throwback over Pepsi Natural. Which in the end simply means I will stop buying Pepsi anything once my last two bottles of Throwback are gone. If I need my caffeine fix I'll dig out the coca-cola products made in Mexico and I will enjoy my soda drinking my way. With my way being the memories from when I was a little kid drinking a coke from the bottle or over ice in a glass.

With luck Pepsi will bring back the Throwback formula at some point so I can have some more.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Comic Book Madness!

Alright I have been procrastinating and never did post the review of these comics as planned. So instead I will write two short reviews on the issues below.

Thor! I bought the trade paperback of Thor issue 7-12 and issue 600. Still not sure how they got from issue 12 directly to issue 600, but oh well. I just have to say that these issues of Thor were very disappointing. The new Thor series started out so well. Thor was back, he was a god and he was kicking ass as needed. Then flash to issue seven and suddenly he is all whiny and angsty. If I wanted whiny teenage angst I would just read X-men or spiderman (or something else). The writing and plotting was suddenly horrible and after the first six issues I expected a lot more of the same from writer J. Michael Straczynski (JMS) because when normally when he is on a roll all his stuff is good. But unfortunately the comic went from action and discovery to boring with a hint of Loki. I don't know if I will pick up the rest of the issues the JMS wrote. I know he left Thor at some point and maybe this is a good thing.

The Bad:
  • The visit to Captain Americas grave - ugh come on everyone knew Capt would be back.
  • Issue 600! I mean what the heck with that fight? And why even bother with the Avengers 2.0?
  • Spoilers: Doctor Doom (and I never thought I would put that down as a bad thing).

The good?

  • A goddess getting hit by a bouquet of flowers. errr....
  • Thor got to say goodbye to his dad.

Alright now onto the Trade Paper back of the comic Abe Sapien: The Drowning.

I really liked this comic. The writing was sparse yet told a story. The story moved along at a nice pace. The book was very entertaining! I liked it!

In short this comic covers Abe Sapien's first mission without Hellboy and being the B.P.R.D it is a dozy. There is an ancient evil from before time, water demons and a cursed island. All in a all a nice creepy story. My only complaint about this comic was the art. It might have been a decision on the editors/writers part but the artwork was just not that crisp and clear.

In short one hit and one big horrible miss!

Until next time have a great day!