Thursday, July 30, 2009

I am sometimes clever!

I was watching the extended DVD version of the Watchmen with friends last night. It was just as enjoyable a movie as when I saw it in the theaters. But the reason I am posting is I said something clever there at the end. At the part of the movie where it shows New York rebuilding after the disasters I say, "Doctor Manhattan returns the happy couple and in a Doc Brown voice says: 'you have to come with me to the future! everything is fine now but YOUR KIDS!!!'" My friends were amused and then the movie ended. My friends reaction must be related to being tired after watching the longer version of this movie.

I thought it was funny at the time.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ultimate Wolverine VS. Hulk

I have been waiting a long time to see this mini-series finally get published. I had to listen to my friend rant and rave about the comic all this time. The first two issues were good, interesting even. Then came the long wait for the rest of the series to get published. Not forgetting the fact that the fall out from this epic fight is given away because both characters show up in other comics before this one finishes - kind of kills the suspense. I was really hoping that since everyone knew the final outcome the writers would use this as a chance to have a really cool story.

Warning! Possible Spoilers below!

Like I said above the first two issues were interesting, the setup with Wolverine is interesting. Showing what happened to the Hulk / Banner is kind of cool. The chance to see the Hulk in a giant room filled with "naked" / bikini clad women really made me wounder what did the Panchen Lama say to Banner? What happens is that nothing is detailed. The fight just starts and we hardly even get to see the women diving for safety as the Hulk and Wolverine fight. While I would be perfectly happy to then see a long fight between the two titans, what we get is pages of closeups (mind you the artwork is excellent). The addition of the She Hulk while interesting kind of came out of left field story wise, the She Hulk herself is a cool character. The ending of the series was seriously disappointing, we were promised a fight and we got a Casablanca ending (literally).

Considering the cost and current limited number of pages in modern comic books I really can not recommend someone actually paying for this series issue by issue. It might be worth picking up in a trade paper back, especially if you can get it at a discount.

So let me finish up here with things I liked about the comic.
  • It is the freaking HULK VS WOLVERINE! Nuf said.
  • We get to see the disadvantage of being the ultimate regeneration character. I loved seeing Wolverine recover from nukes, missing limbs and even losing his head. Having Nick Furry describe what they did to Logan was fun.
  • The twist of not having Banners cousin become the She Hulk was cool. At first I was disappointed but really it worked in this comic.
  • "HULK NO ANGRY!" Says it all.
  • Hulk & She Hulk sex causing a 8.9 earthquake.
  • The Hulk shown where he really is out of control.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

In God We Trust On Money

I wrote this rant up after reading some idiot post on facebook. But in the end did not post it there. I am going to post it here since no one reads my blog yet.

"I think the debate over removing 'In God We Trust' is a good debate we should always be having. It has to do with the very important concept of the separation of church and state. When the churches start dictating how the government acts and passes legislation we are no better than certain countries in the Middle East.

Considering how badly this country has been run for the previous 8 years it might be better if the government spent more time on issues like this and less time giving tax cuts to Rich people and giant companies.

Yes yes, I know the government keeps passing tax cuts for "everyone". But after every "Tax Cut" my take home pay goes down and my end of rebate gets smaller."

Does this rant qualify me as a cranky old man yet? :)