Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I bought a copy of the new Marvel Comic book A+X because it was a variant cover of issue #1.  I knew nothing about the comic except it looked like another tie in to the A vs X super cross over extravaganza of the year from Marvel and was not expecting anything special.

But what I ended up with was a really good and well written team-up comic book.  I am a sucker for books that team up characters from different books.  I used to get the Marvel Team-Up book and the old school Defenders because it was so cool to see how different comic characters acted and were written by different people.  It could give you a whole new view on old stories and characters.  A+X gives me that cool team up action in the Marvel Universe.  The stories were a little short and really could use a few more pages each.  I think the Hulk and Wolverine story was cool and I hope it does get its follow up.

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