Thursday, November 22, 2012

More Comics!

The All New X-Men #1 sucked.  I just finished reading the issue and well the art was good.  Really I feel ripped off for spending money on this comic.  Note to Marvel Comics, the DC comics reboot worked because they wrote good stories.  It was also a true reboot and not just the aftermath of this year’s big cross over event.  What happens next year?  Another bunch of #1 comic reboots?

Next I read Fantastic Four #1, now that was an interesting comic. The Fantastic Four was one of the first comics I bought regularly.  So I was amused to see Johnny Storm the Human Torch is alive again.  I am not sure how that did not make the news at all.  Then the Thing was defeated by the Yancy Street Gang, again.  Seriously I am amazed that after all these years the Yancy Street Gang is a threat to the Thing.  The Thing can and has gone head to head against the Hulk for goodness sake.  Anyway we shall see where this story line heads.

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