Saturday, November 16, 2013

Detective Comics #22

Batman Detective Comics #22 seems to want to be the next Iron Man comic.  We have a mysterious high tech villain who is killing members of the Gotham Police Force.  The villain is foreshadowed by a meeting between Bruce Wayne and a new business man in town Caldwell who apparently has enough cash to just buy Wayne Tech.  But even before that we flash back to a previous story where the police thought that Batman was killing Police Officers and in fact this one police officer still thinks Batman did it despite evidence to the contrary.  Frankly at this point making the Gotham PD even more stupid is rather disappointing at this point in the history of Batman.  Anyway the backup story with the Man-Bat continues to be interesting and maybe it will actually go somewhere.  This story really should have had its own comic even if it was a one shot.

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