Tuesday, November 19, 2013

All Star Western Featuring Jonah Hex #21

All Star Western Featuring Jonah Hex #21 started out strong with Booster Gold getting himself and Hex sent through time.  I really wish Hex had the time to actually kill Booster since he has been nothing but an unfunny pain the entire time he has been in the comic.  But instead Hex gets dropped into the future at some point and ends up fighting Batwing.  Even though this is the “future” and people (especially) the heroes should know of Hex no one does.  Hex ends up in Arkham Asylum despite his skills and abilities, basically he was railroaded by the story and in typical lame comic book creators desire to not work hard while getting paid end up with this lame cliffhanger of Hex being helpless.  But I’m sure in the first pane of next month’s comic he will again be in control of the situation.  Lame.  The Stormwatch backup story was entertaining, but as I predicted (I think) suffers from being a story cut in two that was too short to fill the space.  This story would have been much more entertaining if shown in full and not broken up.  Anyway, Doctor 13 had a little too much garlic in his system and that killed the vampire queen.  Despite my complaints this was an entertaining story – good stuff.

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