Saturday, January 12, 2013

Death in the Family! (Batman Mega Cross-over)

Death in the Family – Batman 15 – Oh geeze, blah blah blah blah does the Joker ever shut up?  Not sure what is up with the extended Batfamily but they seem to be falling for the Joker’s plot.  I am starting to think a real review of the Death in the Family storyline will only be possible once it is done.

Death in the Family – Batgirl 15 – more of the Joker going Blah blah blah blah I have a plan.  Not really sure why Batgirl is just giving in and this story really does not feel connected to the main story beyond the bigwigs said, “Write a Death in the Family Story!”

Death in the Family – Suicide Squad 15 – the Joker just never stops talking his random crap.  Oh he has a plan!  While it is kind of interested to see Harley Quinn not be the total Joker Fan Girl and that she has some growth it is sad to see no change in the Joker.

Death in the Family – Batman and Robin 15 – The story started out entertaining enough, then the story stops so that the Joker can go blah blah blah blah.  I think I spotted a trend there with just use the Joker rambling as filler because well a story spread over all these comics is getting kind of thin.

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