Monday, January 28, 2013

Teen titans & Red Hood and the Outlaws!

The Teen Titans #15: Another Death of the Family Story.  While entertaining and interesting to see the mess from a new point of view I do not think this story was really necessary.  It just seems like a new story in a new comic in order to sell more comics.

Then there is more Death of the Family in Red Hood and the Outlaws number 15: The story ends at the same place as the Teen Titans 15 which was kind of amusing.  I do not know much about this comic as I have avoided it on principle because of what the writers did to Starfire (so sad).  Anyway, this issue was good and entertaining.  The story flowed well from one section to the next.  The Joker had some good lines and when put together with the Teen Titans issue makes for some interesting story building on the Joker’s part.  Though at this point I’m starting to wonder how the Joker can spend so much time with each Hero / Villain in all these books.  I ask because he sure is talking a lot and while traps could have been set up over the last year it seems like more work and planning than is the norm for the Joker.

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