Thursday, January 3, 2013

Doctor Who Christmas Special!

I just finished re-watching the 2012 Doctor Who Christmas Special.  While the episode did not improve with the second viewing it did remain one of the better Christmas Specials so far.  I have really been digging the sense of adventure and excitement that the writers and actors seem to be bringing back to the show.  The Sarcastic Sontaran butler might be the best sidekick to be over exposed and then hated by the fan base ever.  The new “assistant” is played well and entertaining.  I like it when the Doctor can play against a smart person and is not always talking down to the assistant or the audience.   The entire Doctor sulking in old London Town was rather enjoyable.  Nothing like avoiding people and sulking in the middle of one of the biggest towns in the world, a sure sign he wanted to be pulled out of his funk.  Like I said before I am just glad it was a fun special and that I figured out who the new assistant was before the Doctor did.

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