Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thor God of Thunder #7

Thor God of Thunder #7 was a good comic.  The story flowed again even if the story was once again disrupted by disjoined time lines.  I especially enjoyed the interactions between very old All Father Thor and middle Thor (the Thor from the time of the Avengers and X-Men).  It was amusing hearing what the old Thor had to say about the life Thor would lead.  Unfortunately it appears that all the Thors are prisoners of the mad God Killing God Gorr.  We also get a view of the seat of all Gods the Library where we learn that one god was not killed after serving Gorr and he was the God of Bombs.  So while everything was kind of interesting building to this cliff hanger the “dramatic” ending was just yet another mad man with a big bomb.  A very over used cliché from the world of comic books and truly after what has gone before a bit of a letdown.

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