Monday, July 1, 2013

Guardians of the Galaxy #1 !!!!

The Guardians of the Galaxy #1 was entertaining.  I am a bit annoyed that they brought in Iron Man (Tony Stark) of all people when it would seem the original cast was wacky enough without adding Iron Man.  The story starts out well enough with Star-Lord (Peter Quill) hitting on a female Kree in a bar.  They are interrupted when Quill’s father the King of the Galaxy (has anyone told the Shi’ar?) arrives to tell Quill that Earth is by law now off limits.  I was amused when the king admitted that he was in fact jealous of his son’s adventures.  We then switch to following Iron Man as he encounters a Badoon space craft and combat ensues.  At the “last moment” the Guardians of the Galaxy (Gamora, Quill, Drax, Groot and Rocket Raccoon – yes Rocket Raccoon!) and help to save the day.  The bad guys blow up their ship knocking out Tony Stark and escape.  The comic ends with an attack on the Earth city of London.  The backstory for this group is not what I remember and I might have to track down some trade paperback collections to know what is going on in this comic.  I have to say I enjoyed the story so far and hope the quality continues at this level.

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