Wednesday, July 24, 2013

X-Treme X-Men #13 !!!

X-Treme X-Men #13 was the final issue of this run and rather disappointing since it was a middle comic of a larger story arc over a number of other X-Men related comic books.  The good guys do not win in the end it is just a cliff hanger to get you to buy a different comic book.  The transition was jarring from the end of last issue to this issue.  A lot of characters die or the aftermath of their death in another comic happened in this issue.  I am disappointed that the end of such a great comic book was treated so shabbily.  It was really the only good X-Men comic running right now.  I am so disappointed I am not going to track down the other issues to find out what happened or follow the story.  I did a little reading using online summaries and the story arc was rather disappointing and reviewed badly.  Sigh – one of the best versions of Wolverine and Hercules ever and they were wasted.

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