Sunday, September 15, 2013

Deadpool #10!

Deadpool #10 was rather amusing; but first the sad part with the Necromancer and Ben Franklin leaving the group because they could.  The next guy Deadpool is to kill turns out to be some guy also being chased by Spider-Man.  So of course we get a bunch of Spider-Man’s second rate villains to fight.  There is a big fight with the Taskmaster, Lady Stilt Man (is that really her name?), Paste Pot Pete and the Leaper.  With a team like that you know they are going down quick.  There were some good jokes in this issue and I was amused when Deadpool manages to steal a web shooter.   This comic reminded me how much I dislike the “New Superior Spider-Man” just such a terrible character and insult to Spider-Man fans everywhere.  But despite that problem this was a good comic none the less.

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