Tuesday, September 10, 2013

All Star Western #20

All Star Western #20 Featuring Jonah Hex and Booster Gold – The first story in today’s adventure is the Jonah Hex and Booster Gold story.  Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your point of view the evil gang that Hex and Booster were hunting are found dead.  Everyone is dead but the gun crazy guy who fits in the cage where they find him.  Booster in an effort to limit the body count for one day sneaks into a small town.  This is the town with the people who killed the evil outlaw gang.  The townsfolk are not good people and we first meet them when they are killing survivors of some sort.  Booster manages to get away even after being shot many many times.  The leader of the bad guys is not happy and swears he will shoot Booster himself.  This story was entertaining and had lots of clever dialog between Booster and Hex.  Booster it seems while not having all his memory is still more than a bit of a whiner.   The Stormwatch story was much better than in the previous issue but needs more space to fully develop.  They are hunting a vampire queen on the verge of taking over the world using magic (what again?).

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