Monday, September 2, 2013

Dynamite Comics Battlestar Galactica #1

Dynamite Comics: Battlestar Galactica #1 was really bad.  It started with a multipage recap of the first Battlestar Galactica movie.  It moved onto Adama having nightmares about the destruction of the colonies.  Then the Galactica and the fleet are attacked by the Cylons and they are losing badly.  So at the insistence of a young Doctor Zee the Galactica deploys temporal weapons.  Things go downhill from there and everything disappears.  I bought this comic because it had the true Battlestar Galactica characters and not the lame assed SciFi Channel Battlestar Galactica characters.  I figured how bad could it be and I found that really bad was possible.  Adama does not even look like either actor who has played him or the previous comic book versions.  The story set up is just stupid.  If someone cannot come up with a decent story without resorting to time travel it is truly a bad sign.  I am so very disappointed.

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