Saturday, January 11, 2014

Batman the Dark Knight #22!!

Batman the Dark Knight #22 – continues the Clayface is suddenly all powerful and unstoppable storyline.  Really the only person being fooled by this story is the creative team and maybe the people who thought a five issue Mad Hatter story was a great idea.  Because as a long time comic book reader I knew Jim Gordon would not just kill in cold blood a bunch of criminals with no real reason.  So it was obviously not him.  Just as it was obvious that Batman was not doing those bad things Clayface did while looking like Batman.  Just wake me when the Zero Year storyline starts.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Hawkeye Annual #1

Hawkeye Annual #1 where the young lady Hawkeye goes to Los Angeles to find herself.  The story is a little more disjointed than the regular comic’s storyline.  The story is actually good but there are large events that happen that make no sense.  She talks to her dad and things seem normal but did dad cut the credit cards or did the villain?  Considering Kate has won all kinds of target contests and been seen with large amounts of cash I find it hard to believe she has no money available to help her when needed in this story.  It is not just that but frankly it is unclear what exactly Madam Masque wants from Kate, she could just kill Kate.  But instead Madam Masque befriends her and invites her for lunch and wants to help Kate because Kate seems to need help.  While Madam Masque is talking the revenge is sweet talk her actions are less than evil.  She even just gives up the hunt and the story moves on to the happy ending as Kate watches the sun set in the West.  So I do have to say I liked the comic and the story was good there were issues with said story including several very wide plot holes.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Young Avengers #8!

Young Avengers #8 was entertaining but a bit bland.  This issue was basically the team jumping from world to world to world while chasing the bad guy looking for Billy’s twin brother Speed.  A couple of the worlds (dimensions) they visited were interesting but the team did not spend enough time there to develop the world.  Eventually they end up in the dimension where the evil mind controlling mother lived.  Some of the team got left behind and the rest of the team is working on a plan to save them.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Batman Superman #2

Batman Superman #2 was much better than the first issue.  It appears that our heroes Superman and Batman have been moved through time and dimension to a world that has other versions of Superman and Batman.  These versions appear to be older and wiser in addition to being married.  The story is still a little choppy in places jumping without transition.  But now that we have more of the players discovered things will hopefully improve story wise.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A+X #10

A + X #10 story number one was the Black Widow and FantomeX in a race to uncover whom or what is collecting DNA samples of all the old Soviet Era super powered people.  The Black Widow is trying to find out if rumors are true that new experiments on people are underway and FantomeX has been hired to steal the DNA database on a laptop.  They encounter several other “supers” and win the day.   This story really could have been expanded to be more than one fight and some vague dialog.  Story number two stars the Scarlet Witch and Domino and while the story was interesting and the resolution very clever.  I seriously could not get past the terrible art style.  Apparently bad anime style is all the rage when presenting a story with two cool strong female characters.  This is a four color comic book and not manga or anime so having characters looking all big eye small mouth just looks horrible.  The bad art design decision just ruins an otherwise good comic.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Deadpool #13!!

Deadpool #13 was another “classic unpublished” Deadpool story from the 70s.  The most interesting part of this 1970s concept story is the inside pages are colored as if this was actually a comic book from the 1970s or 1980s.  Meaning the pages were yellowed and some of the art looks like it is made from a bunch of ink dots.  The story itself is kind of bad.  The story is a parody of a Blaxploitation Movie with the story featuring the Heroes for Hire Luck Cage Power Man and Iron Fist vs. the White Man – featuring Deadpool.  The dialog was bad even for Deadpool he was written as if he was someone from the present  trying to fit into some old Blaxploitation flick than his normal snappy self.  Anyway while this comic had a couple of good and entertaining points the Iron Man story was better.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Iron Man #13 The Secret Origin of Tony Stark

Iron Man #13 Still in the Secret Origin of Tony Stark Storyline.  In this issue we the readers finally get to see Recorder 451’s actual plan.  Recorder found a giant robot suit that was used in the past to kill members of the Eternals.  Recorder went through all this planning and such with humans and Tony Stark.  Tony Stark is to be the compliant pilot under Recorder 451’s control.  This killer of gods will then be used to defend Earth and allow the people of Earth to continue unmolested by other races in the Galaxy.  This defense will lead to an Earth led empire and a period of peace in the Galaxy according to Recorder.  Now this would normally be a rather boring wordy comic except we have a return of Deaths’ Head.  I have to say having Deaths’ Head in the comic has really improved the action, I like him.  The comic ends on a rather large cliff hanger.  I liked this issue.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Thanos Rising #4

Thanos Rising #4 where once again I seem to have missed issues in this series.  The story is both fascinating yet horrifying at the same time.  Thanos has gone through his killing spree his genocide against the universe.  He selects his victim worlds and civilizations totally at random.  All because as it turns out his girlfriend; his only friend from childhood was not real.  His only friend was Death or his madness if you prefer to see it that way.  It is almost enough for the reader to feel sorry for the villain.  But Thanos has always been the villain in the Marvel Universe fighting the Heroes for so many years so there was no real way he would be anything but a destroyer.  Still a good story and I will need to track down the compilation once it is available.