Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Deadpool Kills Deadpool #2

Deadpool Kills Deadpool #2 and this is where it gets weird!  The story is actually sort of interesting here if somewhat confusing.   It is impossible to tell which Deadpool is trying to help out the “real”Deadpool and which Deadpool is trying to kill him.  But what can I say it is all very entertaining and someone has way way way way way to much free time on their hands if they can go about creating all these different Deadpools.  We visit a world that seems to be populated only by Deadpool variants of other Marvel characters.  Some of the Deadpools from the might Marvel Multi-verse are really crazy and could probably support at least an entire issue on their own.  But I have to give bonus points to Pandapool “the Species that endangers you!” and of course the Deadpool that shows up for the cliffhanger ending of this comic Galactuspool.

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