Thursday, March 6, 2014

Avengers A.I. #2

Avengers A.I. #2  continues a short while after the end of the previous issue.  The Avengers A.I. team is trying to figure out the origin of a new android (for lack of a better category term other than robot) named Alexis.  The Vision as usual is being his logical best, Doombot still thinks it is Doctor Doom and acting like it, Victor Mancha is uncertain about his place in the team and Hank Pym is acting cool.  It turns out that the new villain Dimitrios is another A.I. that has taken over an old fully automated Iron Man armor and is trying to wage war on humanity.  He hijacks a Sentinel to attack Washington D.C. the attack fails of course, but not before giving Doombot a couple of fun lines before it loses its head in the fight; though it appears that the true plan of Dimitrios was actually to gain control of the Vision or at least access to his communication network making his monolog available to the entire world to view.  The monologue goes on and on for pages and could have been copied from any one of Magneto’s rants about mutants replacing humans.  But in this case replace mutant with A.I. and other mechanical / electrical based creatures taking over the world.  In other words just a bit of the same old same old in the Marvel Comics Universe.  But I must say the dialogue was good and the story was interesting.  Good stuff.   

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