Saturday, March 8, 2014

Worlds’ Finest Huntress and Power Girl #15

Worlds’ Finest Huntress and Power Girl #15 – really this whole Dessad thing was just a lead up for a Forever Evil Tie in?  That is seriously disappointing.  I was thinking this story was getting better until the “cliffhanger” ending.   I have made no secret that I am unhappy with how DC Comics and this creative team have treated these two strong female characters that are the stars of this comic.  I do not like how suddenly as if by magic they cannot win any situation; their base of operations, their friends dying with no second thought by the creative team to how this will end.  Well now we know why the creative team was happy to ruin a really good comic.  They had to set things up for a mega-cross-over comic event.  Lame.

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