Monday, December 10, 2012

Before Watchmen

I have been reading the new “Before Watchmen” comics (all of them) I’m up to date on each series now.  I have to say the issues are rather uneven in quality; some of the books are excellent and other suck.  From reading about this maxi-series I understood that these books would be untold stories of the characters before the Watchmen comic.  But what we are getting is a rehash of the back stories told in the original Watchmen comic.  This points’ out the inherently impossible timeline of some of the characters whom would in some cases had been in the hero business since the 1930s while the main Watchmen story happened in the 1980s.  It makes the stories disjointed and uneven. Do not even get me started in the two pages per issue side story of the zombie pirate story I will not name.  In the original Watchmen comic the Pirate story fit into the main story in timing story and gave another angle at the morals of the main story.  The new story just sucks. 
I do want to say the Moloch series while seemingly slapped together to get more cash out of the series was good so far.  The issues written by JMS show a polish that the other comics are missing.

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