Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Comcis! DC Comics!

I am finally getting to some of last week’s comic books.  DC Comics Earth 2 started out great, but the current issue (number seven) had a noticeable lack of super heroes or action.  If the comic continues this slide in to X-men like whiny talking between the Hero and Villain (we know he is the villain from issue zero) I am going to drop this book.  It is a shame because I have so far really liked the different “wonders” and how different they are from what the Heroes are like in the main line DC Universe.

Worlds’ Finest Huntress / Power Girl number seven is entertaining.  This series has been good from issue one (even if a bit disjointed).  I really like the current story with the Robin (Damian Wayne) the interaction with the Huntress’s other world family could have been sappier and I am glad it was not.  It will be interesting to see if our worlds Batman has noticed or figured all this out yet.  I am kind of interested how Batman and Huntress meeting would be handled by the writer.

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