Monday, December 24, 2012

Catching up a little

Iron Man continues to entertain with issue four.  Tony Stark after some snappy dialog with Pepper Pots goes to the Paris Catacombs in search of the remaining tech magic that will create supers.  He finds something much more evil and deals with it.  I continue to like this story.

Marvel Universe vs the Avengers while a great title lacks several things.  The most important of these is that the Avengers have yet to fight the Marvel Universe – it is just a Hawkeye told though his eyes.  It seemed to me from the previews this comic was going to more along the lines of Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe where we would actually see conflict among heroes.  But instead we get yet another bland zombie story.

Hawkeye continues to be very good and entertaining.  This is the end of a two part story line that started grim but ended up being a trick on the readers, but that is ok the comic and story was still excellent.

Fantastic Four number two was cute and entertaining, I hope that is what they were going for.  Two issues of setup and they are off seems like the setup could have been done quicker.

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