Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Dial H #7

Dial H #7 Tree Knight and I think the Dial is getting to Nelson as he likes the hero thing a bit too much at the moment; which is a big change from when this version of Dial H started.  Then we get the chance to see a random silly Hero Baffodil Host!  This happens because Roxie and Nelson are trying to find a dial that gets them a hero that can go underwater in a search for another dial or information on one.  The finally get a water breathing hero called the Planktonian.  They do find a temple and we get a nice little fight before they realized they need to head to Canada.  In an ongoing side story this issue we are then introduced to a new meta-human the Centipede.  It is at this point I need to mention that yes this comic is rather silly at times.

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