Sunday, March 24, 2013

A + X !!

A+X #4 is still holding to the two stories one book part one is the Beast and Spider-Man and the second story is Captain America and Quentin Quire.  Planet of the Beasts was very good I would go so far as to say it a one of the best stories I have read in a long time.  It was funny and the two smart characters got to sound smart while doing their super thing.  I am sure they both appreciated the chance to not be mocked for having and using their brains.  The whole planet of the beasts was apparently lifted directly from the Planet of the Apes movies.  Spider-man got in some good quips; the storm moved along and ended in a park.  Good Stuff.  The second story is alright but the whole earn each other’s trust is a little old.  I do not even know who Quire is or where he has appeared or where he ends up at the end of the story.  The M.O.G.O.D.! were used well for entertainment and comic relief. 

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