Monday, December 9, 2013

Age of Ultron #10 A.I.

Age of Ultron Book 10 AI was a retelling of Hank Pym’s life at the end of the Age of Ultron book.  I do not know if this is just an advertisement for the Ant-Man movie in production.  It could just be a prologue to the Avengers A.I. comic coming up next.  But the creative team sure wanted to re-tell the origin story of Hank Pym in a bad way.  I am sure there is a good reason here, but as a long time comic book reader I have to say there was no reason for this comic book.  Really it was a waste of effort to create and read.  But if you know nothing about Hank Pym and all his alter egos this might be worth your time to read.

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