Saturday, December 7, 2013

Avengers A.I. #1

Avengers A.I. #1 is a new comic spinning off from the Age of Ultron mega super cross over comic series of the moment.  In this comic Hank Pym uses his genius to fight against an A.I. he accidentally created when he helped defeat Ultron.  This new fast replicating A.I. is apparently like Ultron and is out to kill all humans.  Being the first issue of a team book most of the story revolves around bringing the team together.  So far I think I like the Doombot (a robot built by Doctor Doom that is used as a stand in when the writers do not want Doom captures or blown up dramatically – there are a lot of them) the best at least it is honest with itself and others on the team.  A team consisting of Hank Pym, Monica Chang (director of S.H.I.E.L.D. A.I.), Victor Mancha (Ultron’s Son IE Ultron built him), the Vision (Victor’s older brother), and the Doombot could just be a very entertaining comic.  If for no other reason than Hank Pym is overly enthusiastic and positive about the whole adventure.  Good Stuff!

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