Thursday, December 12, 2013

Superman Unchained #2

Superman Unchained #2 : The Unchained book is a great idea.  It is Superman with different stories and at the moment we are still dealing with a younger hero.   Unfortunately while issue number one was entertaining, issue number two was just more of the same.  The world is scared of Superman, they all know he is just here to take over the world and kill all the humans.  This despite the fact that he has done nothing but be a good guy.  Lex Luthor has even been found to be evil and locked up in jail.   But that is all ruined with this lame terrorists group that is impossible to find or fight.  The “countdown” to save the people in the collapsing skyscraper was badly done.  This is Superman he is not going to fail.  If he was to fail it would not take this many pages, he would just wake up from being hit by the robot and it would all be over.  Then there is the Cock fight (really I’m not making this part up) with Lois Lane’s father.  It seems he has daddy issues and is taking his issues out by building super weapons to kill Superman.  After issue number one I was hoping that quality would continue but unfortunately the quality of the story failed immediately upon reaching issue two.  I hate to say it but even the art is just not up to the quality of issue one.  The art seemed phoned in.

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