Thursday, February 6, 2014

Batman Annual #2

Batman Annual #2 was interesting.  This was the story of Arkham Asylum, an orderly’s first day and the asylums first patient.  We also had Batman because without him there would not be a Batman comic book.  Batman was at the Asylum to test some new security features.  The new orderly was there on his first day to try and help people, there was a joke about him being from Metropolis.  The first patient was there because she felt guilty for accidentally killing her parents back in the day before there was an Arkham Asylum.  She was still alive because she had a power that let her travel through walls and the rest what we call solid objects.  She was unhappy with Batman for turning her home and place of healing into a place of punishment where people such as the Joker are sent.  So she decides this time she will try to kill Batman in payment for how he changed her safe place.  It was an interesting and sad story, well done.  But the tie-in to the Zero Year was clumsy and not more than a single page – basically Zero Year was mentioned simply to help sell this comic.  If you bought this comic just because of the Zero Year tie-in you were robbed.

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