Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hunger #1 - Age of Ultron Aftermath

Hunger  #1 – Age of Ultron Aftermath.  It figures that Rick Jones would have something to do with the end of a Universe.  I just kind of expected it to be the end of our universe – but I kid - I always liked Rick Jones.  The problem is he was just in way to many other comics as the side kick for way to many years so what to do with him now?  Apparently he has been working for a group of Watchers as a Guardian of the Universe and it looks like the Ultimates Universe is where this story takes place.  Rick is visiting Earth to get a burger but gets grabbed by his Watcher and taken to a battle in space between the Kree and Chitauri to observe and not be seen apparently.  They watch the fighting until that Universes version of Galactus shows up (apparently just a giant robot swarm in that universe) and then something weirder happens.  Then another Galactus shows up from our Universe because of how Wolverine and others broke time in the Age of Ultron comic.  So our Galactus attacks the Ultimate Galactus and instead of absorbing (eating) each other they merge into a Super Glactus.  I said things got weird; the story was interesting so I hope the rest of the story is good.  To be continued….

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