Friday, February 7, 2014

Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #1

Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #1 – This comic was actually better than I expected.  So far my exposure to the updated Spider-Man has been subpar as this is a terrible character.  It was also annoying that the entire conceit of the comic is that Spider-Man is an asshole who goes around beating and nearly killing people.  But with the help of others he saves the day so everything is ok.  It would be nice if the creative team at Marvel Comics was not so bent on destroying Peter Parker and the  Spider-Man character.  I have said this before but it bears repeating it makes me sad that the Comic Book character that helped me got through life as a teen has been destroyed.  I am sad to see this trend continues and really if the creative team wants to stop publishing Spider-Man stories they should just stop.

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