Saturday, February 8, 2014

Indestructible Hulk Agent of T.I.M.E. #11

Indestructible Hulk Agent of T.I.M.E. #11 – alright that was a very fun read.  The story continues the trend of Hulk / Banner stories being smart.  The timeline / universe has been broken for a number of reasons related in no small part to the Age of Ultron storyline.  S.H.I.E.L.D was trying to make a fix but failed.  It turns out that only the Hulk can survive this journey through time.  We are introduced to Zarrko a time traveling villain who wants to help in no small part because this is the Zarrko before he became a bad guy fighting the Hulk and Thor.  Zarrko has provided technology from the future to try and help fix the timeline.  While I agree sending the Hulk out to fix something as breakable as time is a bad idea this would not be a Hulk comic without him.  So there was some smart sounding dialog along with some nifty art.  The issue ends with the Hulk entering the time stream with a robot version of Bruce Banner along for the ride.  They emerge from the timeline at the feet of some cowboys who do the only smart thing when faced with the Hulk, RUN!  But when the camera shifts we see that it was not the Hulk who scared the cowboys but it was a T-rex.  If I was not clear I enjoyed this comic and thought it was not just entertaining but good.

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