Monday, August 3, 2009

PS2 is Outselling the PS3!!

It was bound to happen, I was reading this article on Yahoo. The article reminded me that the PS3 is a good gaming system and give you a Blue-ray player to boot. But the thing is $400 or more and the games are not always that great or have much content (note my personal research is outdated here). While the PS2 is cheap or still working - in my case I have a PS2 from the second shipment to the US thanks to a friend. There are lots and lots of games available for the PS2 both new and old to chose from.

Even when the PS3 drops in price I still may never buy one since my PS2 games will not work on a PS3. Or then again there are a few games that get good reviews that might get me to buy the PS3 once I have the cash saved up.

All in all I just had to comment after reading the article - I was surprised that in the end the Wii has won the next gen video game wars. Though a couple of games on the Xbox360 are really good.

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