Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dr. Manhattan #4 - Before Watchmen

Before Watchmen – Dr. Manhattan #4 was much much better than I feared the comic would turn out.  The last two issues were boring naval gazing crap.  This issue resolved the crappy story line and moved into through and past the original Watchmen comic and movie.  The cover art of this issue is completely unrelated to the story within the comic which was kind of annoying.  My one big complaint about Dr. Manhattan comic was it was the one with the most old school hero potential and it was wasted.  Dr. Manhattan was the one true not insane hero of the Watchmen universe and all he did was manipulate the universe to give up his free will and impose his will upon the universe to reach an ending he did not like or want.  He could change the world with a though to prevent the end of the world due to Nuclear War if it came to that end.  But instead he imposed order so that the story went only one way.  Ugh so annoying.

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