Thursday, April 18, 2013

Secret Avengers #1

Secret Avengers #1 was alright with a disappointing ending.  Seriously Hawkeye is getting spread around more than Spider-Man at this point it is just stupid.  Not to mention the Black Widow while popular does she need to be in another comic?  Then there is the memory editor first Wolverine loses his memory if you look at him funny.  Marvel Comics and its writers really need to find something besides memory loss to create drama in a Comic Book.  Nick Fury is fine, this is his job he kills people and does the super spy James Bond thing.  But Phil Coulson I thought he was dead?  I guess Marvel / Disney realized he was the more popular character from the Avengers movie.  The actual story was just a bit disjointed apparently because of the memory editor thing.  The start of the comic was a classic Hawkeye story with Hawkeye in a bad way only to be saved by another Hero.  The bad guy was interesting and I was amused how he did not believe Hawkeye was telling the truth.  The whole story could have been a great stand up part for Hawkeye but in the end he was not a hero but just a pawn of greater planning.  This is why in the end I did not like the comic.  I’m hoping that an Avenger comic would be more than the heroes have no idea what they are doing because that never ends well.

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