Saturday, April 20, 2013

Justice League of America #1 !!!

Justice League of America #1 was simply a setup issue.  It was rather disappointing that the first collection of the JLA was Amanda Waller and Colonel Trevor deciding who made a good team member or not.  There were a number of headshots and assumption that the person picking up this comic had been reading all the “new52” comics up to now and did not need to be brought up to speed on what was going on in the DC Universe.  I think this was a mistake because I for one have no idea what has been happening with the characters being brought into the JLA.  I do not read Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Vibe, Hawkman or Catwoman.  When I heard that the JLA was getting a comic I kind of assumed that it would be another Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman comic.  I mean that was the Justice League of America back in the day and that was the JLA in the cartoons.  If DC was hoping to bring in new readers with a throwback to earlier comics giving the reader all these new folks is just going to turn off those new readers.  I did like how the Martian Manhunter showed up but I was equally disappointed when we find out who the shadowy figure turned out to be as he “died”.  I also feel the need to repeat that this whole talking episode was boring.  There was no grand fight or surprise fight or crisis brining the Heroes together.  It is just the government plotting against the Heroes

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