Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wolverine Max!

Wolverine Max #4 is disappointing in that most of the comic is Creed (Sabertooth) ranting about how Wolverine is evil and not a good guy.  I’m also confused that even though Creed knows Wolverine regenerates he thinks that somehow he could cause Wolverine permanent brain damage.  I am also going to repeat my statement that it is really lame and clichéd to have Wolverine, the guy with the best healing power ever, could have such a crappy memory.  At least the plot advanced and we now know who actually committed the act of terrorism in blowing up the 747 from the first issue.  I admit to rolling my eyes upon viewing the last splash page of the comic that advertised that next issue will be the “Final Showdown” between Wolverine and Sabertooth – which leads me to say really? All the other final showdowns were fake and this one is the real final showdown?  Maybe Wolverine will finally die and Marvel Comics (AKA Disney) will willingly lose all that money from pissed off Fanboys.  Oh well I can dream.  I will lay odds that Sabertooth dies (again) but will somehow return to life in some future comic book adventure. 

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