Sunday, June 9, 2013

Justice League of America #2

Justice League of America #2 was much better than issue #1.  In this issue we actually get some story movement and the team members actually get to meet each other.  I also enjoyed the introduction of the “Society” the evil or bad guys.  The Scarecrow is recruited so that is one down if we are collecting villains from the old Saturday Morning Cartoon.  Not sure without looking it up whom the villain that looks like the Joker really is, but it could be the Joker.  The fake Justice League is kind of stupid but that might just be the fractured storytelling being used so far.  It did give the writers and artists a chance to plop more images of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman into the book.  I was happy to see that we the reader might get to see some super hero action, but then the story ended in a cliffhanger.  Then there is what turns out to be a Martian Manhunter story which I guess is to show how and why the JLA was finally approved.  While the story itself was nice and solid I am disappointed in how a story that should have been part of the main book was just slipped in and used to pad out the pages.  I am really getting tired of DC Comics just cutting up a main storyline and dropping in unrelated stories to not just charge for a larger comic book but to stretch out the story into more and more issues.  As a reader I would much prefer a complete story told as written in a few comics and then a whole new story.  I realize that would require the company to spend more money on a writer for new stories.   But when the writer is most often the real star and seller of a comic it seems like that would be a good idea. 

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