Friday, June 7, 2013

Red Hood and the Outlaws #18 Requiem

Red Hood and the Outlaws #18 Requiem actually has nothing to do with the Death of Robin.  Robin is not mentioned or his passing is not noticeably mentioned.    This is Jason Todd recovering from the acid attack left by the Joker for after the Joker was “defeated”.   Basically this is a post Death of the Family story and not actually a Requiem story.  The Red Hood has a bad dream telling a version of a re-birth story or possibly an introduction for those people whom had avoided this comic book until feeling forced to buy copies because of the Death of the Family mega story.  It feels as if the creative team is hoping that with a cool re-birth story readers will forgive them for the terribly sexists treatment of Starfire.  Unfortunately the only time we see Starfire she is dead and still nearly naked so no I’m not really interested in buying more of these comics.  Frankly this fake Requiem tie in makes it even less likely that I would ever buy a comic book in this series ever again (so lucky for the DC comics I might have bought the next issue because I am still a few weeks behind reading comic books as they come out). 

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