Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Fearless Defenders #2!!!

Fearless Defenders #2 was again an entertaining comic book continuing where the previous issue had left off.  Though the story starts out with the kidnaping of X-men / New Mutant Moonstar and while she put up a valiant defense she was captured by normal humans.  It will be hard to believe that she would then be of much use against evil Asgardian or the undead.  Though I suspect we will find her doing just that in future issues.  We then return to following Valkyrie, Misty Knight and Annabelle Riggs who have traveled to Oklahoma to visit Asgard to learn about the Death Maidens.  It turns out Valkyrie has been procrastinating in her task to find additional Valkyries to lead in defense of the universe.  There is much recrimination and then a fight with Hela Queen of the Underworld of death.  This leads to the final splash page where Hela introduces a new character Warrior Woman or as she prefers to be called Hippolyta.  At this point I will speculate that since the Valkyrie was tasks with finding new Warrior women and having found all supers so far lacking.  I also notice that so far we have only met female heroes and gods that this incarnation of the Defenders the Fearless Defenders will become Valkyries or at least fight under Brunhilde’s leadership.  This could make for some very interesting storytelling.  I wonder how the writers will mess it up.

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