Wednesday, June 12, 2013

X-Treme X-Men #12

X-Treme X-Men #12 has yet another jump to a new location.  At the end of the last issue the good guys were confronting the three evil Xaviers.  Though now they are in an Egyptian world with the Xaviers in control with the good guys sneaking around looking for a victory.  There is a speech and a plan, the team attacks but opens a portal and while the side effect is the death of two of the evil Xaviers it appears they destroyed that world.  We also get a glimpse of the evil destruction on the other side and it looks like Sentinels again.  I was thinking Sentinels make sense in that in the past Sentinels have decided killing everyone is the only way to get rid of mutants some might have decided killing the universe was an even better plan.

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