Thursday, October 3, 2013

Adventures of Superman #1

Adventures of Superman #1 was alright but really nothing special.  The comic was three short but complete stories.  The first story has Superman fighting a homeless guy who took some drugs that gave him superpowers that allow him to fight Superman toe to toe.  The homeless guy dies and of course it turns out to have been a plot by Lex Luthor.   The second story was one that has been retold many times, it is two kids player Superman and arguing about who gets to be Superman and who gets to be the villain (and which villain).  It was kind of a cute story with sloppy but alright art.  I am not sure if this was their desire but we see Superman eavesdropping on the kids playing Superman.  So either Superman is super narcissistic and likes the hero worship or he is creepy spying on little boys.  The third story has Bizzaro as the villain.  Somehow Superman convinces Bizzaro to leave the earth wearing some kind of harness – the harness is a NASA wearable probe and Bizzaro is off visiting another planet.  I don’t know the story was weird even for a Superman story with Bizzaro.

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