Friday, October 11, 2013

Winter Soldier #19

Winter Soldier #19 Final Issue!  For a final issue it did very little to wrap up the story line very well.   The Electric Ghost on the other hand was unable to follow up on the badass she seemed to be in previous issues.  She Saved Bucky’s life and tried to fix her life and save her father.  But given the chance she did not alter the timeline (wait are you sure this is a Marvel Comic it did not chose to muck up the timeline again) and escaped an exploding Satellite with the Winter Soldier only to drown in the ocean – maybe.  I’m not really sure the point of the old man giving Bucky the pep talk.  The lighting in those panels looked weird.  Then the Winter Soldier is back with the Black Widow and everything was fine, but then it turns out he was just using the Cosmic Cube or whatever it was to do some time traveling (messing with the universe?).  I am disappointed that this comic was canceled as it was often an excellent comic with good stories.  But with the upcoming Captain America movie being subtitled “The Winter Soldier” I guess the powers that be were afraid of confusing people with a good comic.  This story even felt chopped short which was disappointing considering how long some story arks were stretched to the point of being filler.  But in the end this is just another comic book I liked, that I thought was good that was canceled. 

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