Thursday, October 10, 2013

All New X-Men #12

All New X-Men #12 was really lame.  I am not sure how many more issues of this comic I grabbed before realizing the All New X-Men comic had totally jumped the shark.  Well beyond the whole time travel thing.  While it was cool and all to have Thor, Captain America, Havok, Rogue and the Scarlet Witch show up.  All we really had was the brothers Summers reunite out of time.  We had a reminder that for some reason the Scarlet Witch has not been properly punished for her crimes and she wants to be punished.  We also come to the time where only in an X-Man comic book would people still believe the whole good guys are criminals but really bad guys in disguise plot line.  It is a story line so old Stan Lee stopped using it because even he decided it was lame.  Especially since in Cable and X-Force comic Captain America, Rogue and Havok do not fall for the exact same plot device (This same week even!).  This comic had so much great potential with the old original X-Men meet their current lame assed selves.  But instead we just get yet another whiny X-Man comic.

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