Friday, October 4, 2013

X-Men #1

X-Men #1 – This is another X-Men issue number one, I assume they get a number one because the title is just X-Men and none of the other prefixes.  This book was sold as the all women / hot girl version of X-Men.  I don’t know a counterpoint to the DC comic Ame-Comi Girls – in which case at least the X-Women have their regular costumes and are not sexed up.  The story starts with Jubilee and a child heading to America and Xavier’s School the X-Men base.  Rogue, Storm and Kitty Pride had off to escort Jubilee to the school safely.  There of course is a problem and the X-Men have to save the train and passengers from a crash.  It turns out the spooky guy who has been following Jubilee was John Sublime an adversary of the X-Men and if the prologue was correct one of the oldest being in the universe.  He shows up at the school and surrenders, he wants help defeating his sister Areka Prime who may be worse than he is (or he just wants protection).  The story was good for a first issue.  I am not sure if I kept collecting issues of this comic if not I may just grab the collected trade paperback.

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