Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Earth 2 Annual #1

Earth 2 Annual #1 was good it was entertaining and just plain fun.  While the cover of this issue has a strange looking Batman (Earth 2 Batman #2?) the real story follows the Atom.  We get an origin story for the Earth 2 Atom which is kind of interesting and makes him a more interesting and sympathetic character.  We follow him on a mission to catch a war criminal hiding in a less lawful part of the world.  The fight was interesting, but then we move on to following other heroes.  We see Steel, we see the new Batman and we meet two of the former soldiers of Steppenwolf.  It was all very cool and interesting it was nice to see some backfilling of the Earth 2 history up to current events, even with the silly cliffhanger it looks like a story jump is coming and the creative team used this annual as the bridge.  Things are about to get interesting and I am hoping the creative team does not mess it up.

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