Friday, May 24, 2013

Age of Ultron!!

Age of Ultron Book One was good.  It was better than I expected or hoped.  The art is really good thanks to Bryan Hitch, Paul Neary and Paul Mounts.  I am a bit disappointed that the story begins mid disaster or post disaster which was Ultron taking over the world or at least Manhattan.  The world is in a post-apocalyptic state with Manhattan under what appears to be a giant spaceship or building (a dome?).  The action starts with Hawkeye attacking what appears to be a drug den or at least a place with bad guys running the show.  It turns out Hawkeye is trying to save Spider-Man (we do not know which Spider-Man yet) from Hammerhead and the Owl.  During the rescue the action attracts the notice of many Ultrons whom attack the hideout even though there was a deal possibly made between Hammerhead and Ultron that kept those bad guys safe from the big and powerful Ultron.  That deal seems to fail as the Ultrons the building and such explode.  The good guys get away and reach their hideout in the crashed remains of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier where we meet more survivors.  These survivors are not happy that Hawkeye has returned and run tests on Hawkeye and Spider-Man.  They are greeted by Luke Cage and She-Hulk followed by Tony Stark (Iron Man) who runs tests on Hawkeye and Spider-Man to make sure they had not been infected with a tracker of some sort.  We then get a quick look at additional survivors Emma Frost, Wolverine, Sue Storm and finally after some more plot exposition we finally see Captain America whom we are told is devising a plan.  First off Hawkeye?  We just had an end of the world mini-series that followed Hawkeye around while the world burned under the fist of Doctor Doom and the crazy zombie plague known as the Avengers vs. the Marvel Universe.  So we have been there done that with Hawkeye and considering the number of mid power super heroes it seems like Marvel could have gone with a different character to follow.  I was entertained, when at the beginning of the book Hawkeye continues to use his trademark arrows even if he has switched to hand crossbows.   Second the good guys are waiting on the good Captain America for a plan?  Even though they have Tony Stark one of the world’s smartest people available to make plans and fix stuff.  In the end I did enjoy this comic nitpicking aside it was entertaining and a good attempt to draw in the reader.

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