Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Hawkeye #8 !!!

Hawkeye #8 is the issue with the Target colored / James Bond inspired movie comic book cover.   The art work starts entertainingly like a bad romance novel called Doomed Love but actually it is rather serious story.  I am really enjoying the new book / comic book cover and story title.  Normally something this disjointed would be annoying but somehow it works here.  If you love the old style pulp books and comics you will just love this aspect of the story (art is really telling the story here).  I have to say again this is a really good story.  The comic book covers inside this comic actually tell another story and that was surprisingly well done.  Hawkeye gets in trouble again in such an interesting manner.  I really have come to love these slice of life stories being told in the comic.  It reminds me so much of the Marvel Comics I read as a kid the kind of stories that I loved even as I was confused by them.  But looking back those were good stories, it is one of the things I love about following the low power heroes in the Marvel Universe.  You can keep Iron Man, Thor and the Hulk – these are the stories of the lowbies that make for good comic books.  The Bro gang is pissed and they are going for broke even getting the Kingpin involved which should lead to some more interesting adventures for Hawkeye.

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