Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Earth 2 Issue #10 Tower of Fate Begins!

Earth 2 #10 or the Tower of Fate Begins.  This was an interesting story as in this comic; we get a little more background on the Earth 2 Dr. Fate as well as Hawkgirl and the new person who can wear the helm of fate.  We also follow Green Lantern for a few pages where he continues to mourn for his lover.  The main villain Karel Wotan kidnaping Dr. Fate, the Flash and the Flash’s mother.  With the mom as hostage the heroes would go into the Tower of Fate in order to claim the helm of Fate and all the power it contains.  The journey through the tower was artistically interesting in an Escher like effect of weird dimensions.  The issue ends with a great shot of the Great Beast of the tower – a well-drawn demon looking thing.

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