Thursday, May 16, 2013

Legends of the Dark Knight #6 !!!

Legends of the Dark Knight #6 contained three short stories that were of good quality.  The first story is more of a traditional Batman hunts thugs who knocked over a convenience store.  There was something about sound and enhanced hearing that was the point of the story.  The second story was Batman tracking down and fighting what appears to be a dragon.  The dragon turns out to be the pet of Killer Crock.  It was an interesting story, Batman saved by luck and a search for humanity.  The final story was a spooky tale that could have been saved for the Halloween issue.  We have a spooky villain working for the Penguin and then inevitable betrayal.  While the story is resolved, it would have been nice to see a little more background (origin story) of the mysterious man with the scary van.

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