Friday, May 3, 2013

The Young Avengers #2!!

Young Avengers #2 and we are still in setup mode.  I don’t know why the writer decided to spend all that time on introducing the other characters if we are going to just be following these two around.  Though we do get to see this world’s version of the Avengers (apparently) and then the young lovers are saved by Loki.  This Loki is very entertaining and not nearly as evilly chaotic as his other forms.  I especially enjoy Loki’s insistence that Wiccan do something about his possibly offensive to Pagans’ name.  The three of them decide to do something about the evil unleashed on the world, but then for some reason decide to take Loki home to Asgard where they meet Loki’s father and as Wiccan says, “isn’t he dead?”  I guess you just cannot trust Frost Giants to remain dead.  Just to make sure it is clear I did enjoy reading this comic.

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